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Tuesday Night Thunder 2024: Grassroots Crit Racing Is Back!

Colorado's favorite grassroots crit racing series is coming back for 2024! TPC and Specialized will be hosting Tuesday Night Thunder right outside our front door. Come join the party at the most inclusive and fun bike events of the summer.

Written by: Bruce Lin

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Posted in:Features

When TPC moved its headquarters to Louisville, CO, we were super excited to become neighbors with Pearl Izumi because every July they would host one of the best grassroots crit racing series around — Tuesday Night Thunder (TNT). 

It was a lot of fun to finish work, get changed, step out the door with a bike, and start racing. Tragically, Pearl Izumi moved away last year, and TNT went on an indefinite hiatus. This summer, however, we’re excited to announce that WE’RE BRINGING IT BACK. 

What is Tuesday Night Thunder?

The Mission: Make bike racing accessible to all.

TNT is a passion project that started in 2017. The goal was to create a community-driven race event. Organized racing is often expensive and complicated. Llicenses, registration, and categories become barriers to entry for inexperienced riders. TNT wanted to break the mold. 

A small group of employees decided to start a weekly crit series in the business park surrounding the Pearl Izumi headquarters. There was a perfect 1 KM loop that was away from traffic and most businesses closed by 5 PM. It was the perfect spot for racing. 

Unfortunately, TNT went on hiatus when its original host, Pearl Izumi, moved out. But now TPC is here, and along with our new neighbors at Specialized, we decided to keep the good times rolling! 

Tuesday Night Thunder grass

Yes, it’s racing, but ultimately, it’s more of a party. Heckling is encouraged. Lawn chairs are nice but there’s lots of beautiful grass to hang out on. There will be plenty of food and drinks too. Even if you don't want to ride, if worth it to just come hang out!

We think this is the best way to get more people amped on racing bikes and it’s a fun way to hang out with fellow riders. We want to make it fun, even if you’re breathing through your eyeballs to chase down a breakaway!

How Do You Race Tuesday Night Thunder?

Tuesday Night Thunder racing

The main attraction of TNT is how easy it is to race. The fewer the barriers to entry, the more riders in the community can participate and create energy for the sport! 

The entry fee is $10 per race (or $30 for the whole month). No racing licenses are needed. There’s no governing body. All the money goes back into running the event (permits, insurance, timing, signage, food, etc.). Vendors will be in attendance providing prizes!

There are three self-designated categories — A, B, and C.

  • A races will be for experienced and fast racers who want to compete with other experienced and fast racers. 
  • C races will be for riders just getting into racing or those just looking to have a great time riding at their own pace. 
  • B races are for anyone in between. 

You decide which of the three races you want to ride, pin on your number, and go for it! This is the perfect place to get your first taste of bike racing. If you’re more experienced, it’s also a great opportunity to get a hard workout or practice your racing skills in a safe and welcoming environment. 

Tuesday Night Thunder Costume

Afraid of getting dropped? Don’t be! This isn’t a super serious race that pulls riders. If you lose the group, sit up, relax, recover, and wait for the main group to come back around. When they do, hop on the back and try to hang on again. I’ve been lapped multiple times in one race! It’s a lot of fun, and it’s good training. Want to race in a goofy costume? This is the place to do it!

Tuesday Night Thunder Details

Tuesday Night Thunder details


Four nights in July:

  • July 9th
  • July 16th
  • July 23rd
  • July 30th

Race Times

  • C Race - 6:00pm - 20min  
  • B Race - 6:30pm - 30min
  • A Race - 7:10pm - 40min (or until the light fades)

Sign-up begins at 5:30 PM at TPC headquarters.

Course Map

Tuesday night Thunder Event map

If you’re interested in throwing down on a Tuesday night during the summer, then come on over! Do a warm-up lap or two and let’s get racing.

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