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Reynolds Wheels & Rims For Sale - Carbon, Clincher, Tubeless

Shop certified new and used Reynolds bike wheels for sale at TPC - The Pro's Closet. Find reviews, specs, prices, and more.


Every wheel that leaves Reynold's facility has been designed and tested by their dedicated team of engineers in Utah who spend just as much time on their bikes as they do in the lab. As cyclists they know that the only wheels worth buying are the wheels that make you faster, won't leave you stranded, and look good doing it. No matter what moves you to toss a leg over your bike of choice, Reynold's has you covered.







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Bikes are meant
to be used.

Reynolds Wheels shimmer with exceptional tech and a stronghold on carbon. If you want value and precise technology over top dollar prices, the Reynolds wheelset is your answer. 

Reynolds Road + Gravel Wheels 

Reynolds carbon wheels (road and gravel) benefit from a history of pioneering carbon clinchers. They’ve always made light, aero wheels that are practical and can take a beating. 

Reynolds MTB Wheels

Reynolds MTB wheels have the lay-up tuned for durability for rims that have incredible impact strength while remaining lightweight.