TPC is back!
Follow along here for updates as we rebuild the business and get back to being THE destination for certified pre-owned bikes as well as used framesets and wheelsets!
1/7/25 - TPC 2.0 Is Here—And We’ve Already Sold Our First Bike!
Read our press release here:
And just like that, TPC 2.0 is underway with our first bike sold with the new company! Not only are we excited to get this Certified Pre-Owned Bike into the hands of a new customer, this was our first bike sold with our new consignment model!
For the seller, they kept 70% of the $4,199 selling price, and all they had to do was pack the bike up and use our pre-paid shipping label. We estimate we saved them at least 2 hours worth of work between cleaning the bike, checking and servicing components, taking photos, and posting it online. Not to mention having NOT to deal with the “Still for sale?” messages from people who never end up buying.
So, a new customer gets a bike at nearly 50% off a New MSRP and a seller gets 70% of the sale with little effort? Sounds like a win-win to us.
After all, we believe #bikesaremeanttobeused, not collecting dust.

12/23/24 - New Year, Same Great Photos
People always ask, are these the actual photos of the bike? And our answer is, and always will be, YES. We take pride in showing you the actual condition of the bike so you know exactly what you’re getting (and can imagine setting that new PR on).
While our new photo studio isn’t quite set up right now, that doesn’t mean we can’t get scrappy and find a way to make it happen without it. So, here’s the behind the scenes of Josh getting all the angles.
We can’t wait for you to browse all the pictures like you used to.
12/23/24 - Moving into the New Warehouse
We're a bit delayed in our posts, but that's because we're busy! We're still getting our work stations, cleaning bays, photo studio, and other work areas set up. We even bought 5G hot spots, so we could get internet in the building while we wait for cable.
In any case, we still have much to celebrate, and of course Justin brought champagne to help close out the year!
Keep your eyes out and subscribe to our emails, bikes will be launching soon...
12/16/24 - Moving into the New Warehouse
Here it is, our new warehouse in Thornton, Colorado! The team is unpacking, bikes are coming in, and we even got a new refrigerator! It’s the simple things.
Keep following here for more updates as we hope to get bikes on the website very soon.

12/11/24 - Bikes Unpacked
Sneak peek. The first bikes are being unpacked now! Big thanks to Alchemy Bikes for lending us some space temporarily as we get our warehouse ready!
Stay tuned for more updates as we get closer to launching and bringing back the Certified Pre-Owned Bikes you know and love.
And, don’t forget, we’re looking at buying more Bikes, Framesets, and Wheels, so head over to our Sell//Trade app to get started.