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E-Bike Rebate and Voucher Programs Across the US (August 2023)

Find out if there are E-bike rebates or vouchers near you. You could save hundreds of dollars by applying to a local E-bike incentivization program!

Written by: Mark Moser

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Posted in:Guides

Everyone wants an E-bike. They’re fun, practical, and good for your health. Choose to ride an E-bike over driving a car, and it’s good for the climate too. But one thing holding many riders back from getting a new (or Certified Pre-Owned) E-bike is cost. 

Fortunately, many cities and states have introduced programs to incentivize more people to buy E-bikes. These rebates and vouchers could save you hundreds of dollars on your E-bike purchase. 

Our expert Ride Guides love helping buyers choose the perfect E-bike. The perfect cherry on top is when we can find a way to help you offset the cost. I’ve compiled all the past, present, and future E-bike rebates and vouchers that we’ve found (we’ll update as we find more). If you’re lucky enough to live somewhere offering an active E-bike incentive, take advantage! Riders who decide to get an E-bike are always happy they made the leap

E-bike Rebates and Vouchers by State

Nationwide E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Program: The Electric Bicycle Incentive Kickstart for the Environment (E-BIKE) Act would offer a refundable tax credit amounting to 30% of the E-bike's price, capped at $1,500. New E-bikes that cost less than $8,000 would be eligible for a refund.

Details: The bill was originally eliminated from the Build Back Better Act in 2021. Reintroduced March 21st, 2023. The cost cap is up from the $4,000 in President Joe Biden's original Build Back Better proposal. The new bill also doubles the income limits to receive the maximum credit — up to $150,000 for a single filer and $300,000 for joint filers — to match the electric car credits in the Inflation Reduction Act.

The proposed bill defines eligible E-bikes as ones that meet battery safety standards set by Underwriters Laboratory, an industry leader in battery technology, or that "may be recognized by the United States Consumer Product Safety Commission."

California E-bike Rebates and Vouchers

Alameda (City)

Provider: Alameda Municipal Power (AMP)

Program: 0-20% rebate for new or used E-bike purchases up to $300 (20-40% up to $600 for low-income).

Details: Tiered rebates based on E-bike cost $500-$999=$100 rebate, $1K-$1,999=$200, $2K and up=$300. The rebate level is twice as large for low-income (up to $600). As of January 2023, the initial $15K budget is about half used and AMP expects the funds to run out mid-year in 2023. Additional funding is not yet lined up for an extension, but the city's active transportation plan envisions more of this type of program.

Alameda (City)

Provider: Alameda TMA (Transportation Management Association)

Program: $300 rebate for new E-bike purchase added to AMP rebate.

Details: Additional incentive for TMA members who have been awarded an AMP electric bike rebate (see above).

Central Coast (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties, plus parts of San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara counties)

Provider: Central Coast Community Energy (CCCE)

Program: 50% E-bike rebate up to $500 (75% up to $1000 for low-income).

Details: For CCCE residential electrical service customers. Class 1, 2, and 3 E-bikes are eligible. Additional $100 rebate with proof of purchase from a bike store located within the CCCE service area. Opened November 9, 2021. Closed September 15, 2022, when funds were fully reserved. Check with CCCE for future funding rounds

Central Coast (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz counties)

Provider: Monterey Bay Air Resources District (MBARD)

Program: $500 rebate ($1000 for low-income)

Details: For county residents. Class 1, 2, or 3 electric bicycles purchased at a bicycle shop within Monterey, San Benito, or Santa Cruz Counties. May be stacked with other incentives. Must retain ownership of E-bike for 3 years. Closed. The latest round of the program opened on July 1, 2022, and funds were exhausted by September 2022. Contact Ty Bell ( of the program team to find out if there is a list to be notified about future funding rounds.

Contra Costa County

Provider: 511 Contra Costa

Program: $150 rebate ($300 for low-income) on the purchase of a new E-bike or conversion kit.

Details: Open to all Contra Costa residents over 18. Class 1, 2, or 3 + professionally installed conversions and electric mopeds with max speed <30 mph. Started in October 2020 with funds for at least 100 bikes. Rebates are allocated to different regions of the county by population. A real-time tracker on the website indicates how many rebates are still available.

Contra Costa County (Equity Priority Communities)

Provider: Contra Costa Transportation Authority

Program: $500 rebate for a low-income household purchase of a new E-bike or conversion kit.

Details: Open to income-qualified residents over 18 of Concord’s Monument Corridor, Richmond, San Pablo, Pittsburg, Bay Point, or Antioch. Class 1, 2, or 3 E-bikes.


Provider: City of Healdsburg

Program: Up to $700 rebate for new E-bikes and conversion kits.

Details: $700 for income-qualified CARE customers. $400 for an E-bike purchased in Healdsburg and $300 for an E-bike purchased outside of Healdsburg. $50 for an E-bike conversion attachment kit. Started January 2021.

Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, and San Bernardino Counties

Provider: South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD)

Program: $7,500 voucher to buy one or more E-bikes and/or for car and bike sharing and public transit.

Details: Same income limitations as the San Francisco Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD) program below. As of September 2022, the website still provided no details about the E-bike option. Register for the car-sharing and public transportation mobility option then ask your case manager. You must reside within the jurisdiction of the South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD), the air pollution control agency for all of Orange County and the urban portions of Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties. Check the Eligibility page to confirm that your zip code is in the District.

Monterey County

Provider: Veterans Transition Center of Monterey County

Program: Subsidy program to give free E-bikes to veterans in need.

Details: Supported by donations through the Sea Otter Classic Foundation, this gives E-bikes to help vets gain transportation and self-sufficiency who are homeless or have lost mobility from injuries.


Provider: City of Redding Electric Utility (REU)

Program: $1,000 voucher for a purchase of an E-bike, helmet, and lock.

Details: Income limited to approximately 250% of FPL. Must be enrolled in the REU Residential Energy Discount Program. The MSRP of qualifying E-bikes ranges from $2,500 up. Operating in 2022.

San Francisco Bay Area, including parts of Alameda, Contra Costa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, and Solano counties

Provider: Bay Area Air Quality Management District (BAAQMD)

Program: $7,500 voucher to buy one or more E-bikes and/or for car and bike sharing and public transit.

Details: Part of the California state Clean Cars 4 All program to get older polluting cars off the road. Turn in a functioning registered 15-year-old or older car for scrap to receive the subsidy. Open to SF Bay area residents in selected air quality-impacted zip codes whose household is at or below the 400% federal low-income criteria ($103,000/year for a family of four). CARB has proposed to drop the income limit to 300% of FPL and to open the program to people in all zip codes. Launched in late 2020. Changes are not likely to take effect until at least spring 2023. See ClimateAction Center Summary of the Bay Area CCFA E-bike grant program for a full description. Visit BAAQMD Clean Cars for All Mobility Options to apply.

Santa Clara County

Provider: Silicon Valley Power

Program: 10% rebate on the purchase of a new E-bike up to $300; income-qualified individuals will receive an additional $200.

Details: Must be a resident of Santa Clara and a customer of Silicon Valley Power. Launched December 2020.

Santa Cruz

Provider: Ecology Action and City of Santa Cruz

Program: $400 voucher ($800 for low-income)

Details: Open to people who work in downtown Santa Cruz or for the City of Santa Cruz. Voucher redeemable in a Santa Cruz bike store.

Colorado E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: Colorado Energy Office (CEO)

Program: Rebate. Details TBD.

Details: Statewide eBike rebate available to low- and moderate-income Coloradans. Preliminary details are a $500 rebate or $1,000 for low-income. CEO anticipates that the rebate will be available to individuals in late spring to early summer 2023.

Cortez, Delores, Mancos, Monticello, and other Empire Electric towns

Provider: Empire Electric Association

Program: 25% rebate up to $150. 

Details: For Empire Electric Association customers. Active in 2022.


Provider: City of Denver Office of Climate Action, Sustainability and Resilience (CASR)

Program: $400 E-bike voucher. $1200 for income-qualified residents. Additional $500 for cargo bikes.

Details: For all Denver residents. Applicable to all Class 1, 2, and 3 E-bikes sold at participating bike shops, except full-suspension mountain bikes. No minimum or maximum bike cost, but the voucher is limited to the price of the bike.

Launched in April 2022. The initial rollout of 3,000 vouchers was claimed in days. Another round of just over 1,000 vouchers in July 2022 was claimed in minutes. 860 more vouchers in January 2023 went in 20 minutes. More will be available in 2023.


Provider: Town of Edwards

Program: $200 rebate for new E-bike.

Details: For Edwards Metro District full-time residents. Must be used for transportation to work or other trips normally taken by car. Operating in 2022.

Glenwood Springs, Eagle, Pitkin, Garfield, Mesa, and Gunnison Counties

Provider: Holy Cross Energy (HCE)

Program: $200 rebate for new E-bike or conversion.

Details: Up to 2 per utility member household. Must be used to offset vehicle miles. Operating in 2021.

Grand and Jackson Counties and parts of Larimer, Routt, and Summit Counties

Provider: Mountain Parks Electric

Program: 25% rebate up to $150. 

Details: For Mountain Parks Electric customers. Operating 2022.

Gunnison County

Provider: Gunnison County Electric Association

Program: 25% rebate up to $150. 

Details: For Gunnison County Electric Association customers. Operating in 2022.

Holyoke, Sterling, Ovid area

Provider: Highline Electric Association

Program: 25% rebate up to $150. 

Details: For Highline Electric Association customers. Operating in 2022.

La Plata, Archuleta and nearby

Provider: La Plata Electric Association

Program: 25% rebate up to $150 for a new E-bike

Details: Bill credit to La Plata utility customers. Launched January 2021.

Yampa Valley

Provider: Yampa Valley Electric Association

Program: 25% rebate up to $150. 

Details: For Yampa Valley Electric Association customers. Operating in 2022.

Connecticut E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: CT Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)

Program: $500 or more rebate and/or voucher. Details TBD

Details: DEEP released a request for proposals on November 8, 2022, to eligible contractors for the development of a statewide E-Bike Incentive Program. Once selected, the program project design will be developed by early January and the program will launch in late winter/early Spring 2023.

Massachusetts E-bike Rebates and Vouchers

Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard

Provider: Cape Light Compact

Program: Voucher for 75% of the cost of a new E-bike up to $1,200 plus accessories and maintenance.

Details: Income limited and limited to Class 1 E-bikes. Vouchers are applicable at participating bike shops to cover 75% of the cost of a Class 1 E-bike up to $1,200. The voucher will also cover up to $125 toward the cost of bike accessories (e.g., helmet, bike lock, bike lights, or pump). The Compact will also cover the cost of bike maintenance for the year following purchase. Customers will also receive a $100 gift card from the Compact if they schedule and complete a Home Energy Assessment through the Cape Light Compact (gift cards will be issued upon completion of the Audit). Audits are available to homeowners and renters. Operating in 2022. About 200 vouchers total are available.

Michigan E-bike Rebates and Vouchers

Ann Arbor

Provider: City of Ann Arbor and select bike dealers

Program: $100 discount for new E-bike and $50 credit for accessories.

Details: Discounts and credits are offered on select models at participating dealers.

Oregon E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: Ashland Electric

Program: $300 rebate for a new E-bike.

Details: Open to Ashland Electric customers. One E-bike incentive per account. Limited to Class 1 E-bikes $3,000 or less. Must be purchased at a participating Ashland Bike shop. Launched November 2020 with funding for 50 bikes in 12 months.

Benton County

Provider: Corvallis Benton County Economic Development Office.

Program: Rebate up to $1,200 for low-income individuals.

Details: Residents of Benton County who get power from Pacific Power and have a family income of 80% of the area median or less. Closed 1/10/22. Email to be notified of the application windows for future rounds.

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Provider: Eugene Water and Electric Board (EWEB)

Program: $300 rebate for new E-bike.

Details: Open to EWEB customers. One E-bike incentive per account. Class 1, 2, or 3, including adaptive E-bikes. No conversions.

Tennessee E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: City of Nashville Metro

Program: Up to $300 rebate for E-bikes. 

Details: Metro Council is considering a proposal to put $1M toward purchase incentives for residents of Nashville and Davidson County. Income qualification for low-income subsidy is 80% of the Area Median Income or 200% of the federal poverty level. Purchases only at participating local bike shops.

Texas E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: Austin Energy

Program: Up to $300 rebate for individuals, up to $400 for fleets for new E-bikes, Scooters, Mopeds, and Motorcycles, or any other electric 2 or 3-wheel vehicle.

Details: For Austin Energy customers. Up to 3 rebates per applicant per fiscal year. Fleets are limited to 5 to 25 vehicle fleet purchases.

Vermont E-bike Rebates and Vouchers


Provider: State of Vermont Agency of Transportation (VTrans)

Program: Rebate or discount for 30% of the purchase price up to $250 (50% of the purchase price up to $400 for low-income).

Details: $100,000 program for Vermont residents, administered by the Center for Sustainable Energy (CSE). Rebates are given through retailer point-of-sale incentives at participating eBike retailers or a consumer-direct rebate. The program opened in August 2022. Closed in early 2023 pending new funding from the legislature.


Provider: Vermont Credit Union (VSECU)

Program: Discounted rate loan.

Details: Unsecured discounted rate loan for bicycles and other energy-saving projects for your home. Open to all VSECU members. Membership is open to anyone who lives or works in Vermont or is a member of the Northeast Sustainable Energy Association or is related to a VSECU member.


Provider: Burlington Electric Department

Program: $200 discount at a bike shop on the purchase of an E-bike or conversion with the Try Out program.

Details: For Burlington residents and businesses to try E-bikes before buying. Also offers a free CarShare Vermont “Share-a-Little” membership. Launched in 2018.

Most of VT excluding the upper northeast

Provider: Green Mountain Power (GMP)

Program: $200 discount at a bike shop on the purchase of an E-bike or conversion.

Details: For GMP utility customers. Launched in 2019 Works with Brattleboro “Take It Home” lending program.

Select Northeast and Central VT utility areas

Provider: Vermont Public Power Supply Authority (VPPSA)

Program: $100 rebate on the purchase of an E-bike or conversion.

Details: For VPPSA utility customers.

Montpelier area

Provider: Washington Electric Cooperative (WEC)

Program: 50% rebate up to $200 for a new E-bike.

Details: For WEC customers. Launched in 2019. Continuing at least through Dec 2021.