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Hailing from Mallabia, Spain

Orbea is catching attention in every category these days. However, this success didn't happen overnight. As a brand, Orbea is one of the oldest in the industry, getting their manufacturing roots started in 1840 (45 years prior to Bianchi). Although, they didn't start making bikes until 1920. What came first? Guns. Over a century later, Orbea has become what we see today: a vast collection of state-of-the-art, eye-catching bicycles that deliver world class stylish performance.

Photos provided by Orbea
Photos provided by Orbea
Staff Bikes:

Orbea Rise

"The Rise has allowed me to ride twice as many miles in a shorter amount of time. Multiple laps after work? No problem. Long rides on the weekend? Also no problem. The super light Shimano motor keeps the bike right around 41lbs, so it feels very much like an analog bike on the descents, which is exactly what I was looking for with my first e-bike."
-Aaron, Facilities Coordinator

Favorite places to ride: White Ranch, Lefthand, North Table Mountain

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Best-Selling Bikes of the Month: March, 2023

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Orbea Bikes

Seven things to know. Who makes them? Are they any good? (yes)