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So Long, and Thanks for the Ride

“I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be.” ― Douglas Adams

Written by: Bruce Lin

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Posted in:Features

My time at TPC has come to an end. Yes, I’m sad that it’s over, but more than anything, I’m happy that it happened. 

I was fortunate enough to have the freedom to produce the type of cycling content I wanted for myself — stories that were fun, approachable, and informative. Stories that stood out from the basic shopping-focused content you expect from retailers. Most of all, stories that could inspire riders to work on their own bikes, try new things, and fall in love with cycling. Hopefully, I succeeded a bit in that respect.   

It’s been one hell of a journey. 

Sharing cycling stories with you for the last 6 years has been an absolute pleasure and privilege. I truly appreciate every single person who took the time to read a blog post, open my newsletter, watch a video, or write me a comment. Thank you. YOU are the reason I loved coming to work everyday.

I don't know where I'm headed, but the future is an open road (or trail) filled with endless possibilities. I'll see you all out there!


  • My Instagram (I rarely post, but I try to answer messages)
  • My Strava (I'll still be riding, training, and racing!)

P.S. My Favorite TPC Stories

Before I go, I want to share some of my favorite stories. These aren’t my best stories, but they’re the stories I remember most fondly. I don’t know if they’ll stay accessible, so read them while you can!    

Sometimes Luck Is On Your Side

Unbound Gravel

When I got into Unbound Gravel this year, I made all of my goals and preparation public. That was incredibly scary. Thankfully, I beat my 12-hour time goal and I’m insanely proud that I pulled it off. This is a race I’ll remember for the rest of my life. 

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This Water Bottle Will Outlive Us All

Camelbak ti

This post was a reaction to an insane product. Camelbak released a $100 titanium water bottle and I couldn’t imagine anyone actually buying it. Surprisingly, some people did! I like to think my amateur Photoshop skills and eloquent prose convinced them.  

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A Cyclist’s Guide to Love

Cyclist love

This Valentine's Day post was inspired by an offhand comment my wife made about Chris Hemsworth. Is he good-looking? Sure. Whatever. Can he ride a bike as well as me? No. Fricken. Way. 

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The “Easy” Way To Train for Endurance Bike Races

How to train

When I got into racing, I absorbed every training guide, podcast, and YouTube video I could. People like to make training so complicated! That might work for some, but I’ve stuck to a more relaxed approach that has helped me maintain balance and joy in life.   

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How Many Bikes Do You Really Need?

How many bikes

Hi, my name is Bruce, and I’m a bike addict. I wrote this post to convince myself not to fall into the N+1 trap. Spoiler: I failed. I have 7 bikes right now…

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My 30-Day Cycling Challenge

30 day cycling challenge

I gained a lot of weight, so my wife suggested doing “Whole30” with her. I wasn’t into that, so I decided to do "Ride30" instead and I rode my bike every day for a month. It was dumb. Super dumb. Don’t do it. Rest and recovery are crucial. It was fun though!

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